The AI Readiness Assessment

Understanding your AI Readiness Posture

Intelligent Artifacts' Artificial Intelligence Readiness Assessment (AIRA) is a complete readiness analysis service that allows organizations to rapidly understand the viability of applying artificial intelligence to their existing data and data sets. Originally developed for internal use only, the AIRA is now available to customers as a complete artificial intelligence readiness analysis service.

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Test Your AI Readiness Before Purchasing An AI Solution.

The AIRA generates the detailed information necessary to know if the use of AI is feasible for your data and whether it would support and amplify your data-driven activities – all before any AI work begins or system is purchased – delivering incredibly rapid insight and potentially significant savings.

AIRA Highlights & Benefits

Determine data viability for applying AI

Fully automated, system driven analysis

Support and amplify data-driven activities

Assessment results in as little as a few days

No model building required to obtain results

Highlights data correlations

Identifies important / key data as well as low value information

Significant cost savings

Data sets optimized for AI

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How It Works

Get access to our platform in three simple steps.

Convert the Data

Automatically convert any data type into IA’s universal input format

Handle sparse or missing data with symbolic data processing

Ingest Data into the Information Analyzer

Identify if the data is trivial, random, or appropriately complex to use an AI

Gain insights into key indicators vs. noise

Receive Your Information Scores

Discuss the results of your assessment with one of our highly-skilled IA data scientists

Optimize your data sets for use by IA or any AI system

Discover Our Technology

AI Readiness Adjustments.

The fully automated AIRA is backed by some of the world’s most talented data scientists that help to maximize the use of an organization’s data, close data gaps, and successfully implement AI for their organization. Beyond examining your existing data, our analysts can often use your assessment to suggest changes that might improve your data set for use with AI.

AI Readiness Adjustments Case Study

Following analysis, our highly-skilled engineers can make suggestions to improve your data's information quality. Results from the AIRA will help our engineers make improvements based on the following:

Identifying missing fields for collection.

Identifying noise to remove in the data.

Identifying fields to prioritize / optimize as key indicators of information.

To access the case study, click on the download button below. No information required.

Want to know if your data is AI Ready?

This fully automated, system-driven analysis is backed by our team of experts, who are available to help guide our clients after analysis to refine data sets and implement AI for their organization. With no need to build models up-front to know if you can benefit and leverage AI, AIRA delivers value through rapid data insight and reduced time and associated costs.

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